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Inverus App
Invoicing Web-Application (SaaS) aimed for small businesses or freelancers.
This is actually my own business that I am co-founding on with a friend, but I thought I would mention some of the specifics. The challenge we faced was how to market such a competiton-heavily-dominated market. We need to create an app, that directly challenges huge companies that have so much market share for the UK. We also know we needed to give the users a reason why they should join Inverus and not other brands like Xero. Striking the mark and gaining a nice market share of our own would be an amazing result.
The goal is to design a modern, minimalistic, simple invoicing software solution. It sounds simple but in reality, it is a challege against the big guys (competitors). We want to give our customers new features they currently don't have access to, whilst also giving the user a better experience than what they are currently / previously have had with other companies and systems.
So far, the team has developed a core-functionailty app from scratch, that allows the user to create items/services, clients and invoices. All the data is saved and dynamic to the site. A user is able to send invoices directly to the client through email, whilst also configuring the look of the invoice, and ensuring it meets legal requirements in the UK. There is lot's more work and a huge roadmap ahead of us, but we are excited to keep pushing.
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